Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Good Days...In Perspective

I've enjoyed a string of two or three 'good days' here in a row.  I've gained back a little weight, my appetite has been OK, and am still quite positive about eventually getting a new heart.

But honestly for me, and being on the transplant list, these 'good days' are sort of a relative thing.  

You see, I often long for good ol'  'good days' that included waking up refreshed, feeling like eating a decent healthy breakfast, putting in a full days work.  Riding my bike at lunch time.  Golf in the evenings.  Playing with my son.   The list could go on and on...

And I had all that, maybe 5 years ago.

I wish I could go back to a time before I started feeling the force of my heart with just about every beat, being able go on a walk, let alone carry on a conversation without losing my breath, and again, the list could go on and on.

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