Friday, September 12, 2014

Lining Up The Ducks

The first few days on the list have now turned in to a couple weeks.  I never really was under illusion, or delusion, that I would get the call in the first week or two, but then again, it does happen.

But the phone hasn't rang....yet.

I do, however, think I've settled into a pretty good routine.  I need a lot of rest, but I accept that, and don't try to push too hard too often, cause I would like to stay out of the hospital as long as I can.  I watch a lot of comedy clips on YouTube and am glad football season is hear once again.  Bottom line, I try to keep my mind on other things besides my heart.

I think I've done all the preparing I could up to this point.  All the things that a prudent and responsible person in my position should do, I have already done.  I got my financial and legal stuff in order, I've got my letters written to loved ones, and made my peace with the universe.   We've got people lined up around the corner waiting and willing to help us out in whatever way we may need.   That's an awesome feeling.

And not that I am anticipating anything other than being able to walk out of that hospital with a smile on my face a mile wide, and a new, powerful, healthy heart...but still, I know there is that chance, that well...things won't go storybook perfect.   And again, it is a risk I fully understand,  but more than willing to accept.

So I honestly try no to think about it too much, and certainly I don't obsess about it.  Life has a way of unfolding in ways that astonish and delight if that's what we expect.   And I do think that this will be be coolest experience of my life.  Call me crazy I guess.

I've always been a glass half full kind of guy, heck, even a glass clear full and overflowing kind of guy.

The alternative just doesn't appeal to me...doom and gloom and poor me and all that jazz, well it's never really been me, so why start now???

I guess I hope my donor is an otherwise happy and healthy, fairly normal, but somewhat goofy guy (or gal) like me.

Are there other things I would rather be doing?  Sure.  But I still choose to be fully present in this moment of my life, and embrace my circumstance, what ever they might be.  To quote Rocky Balboa..."Ain't so bad."

All in all, I think I have a done a pretty good job of getting my ducks in a row!

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