Friday, December 26, 2014


Well Christmas 2014 came and went without the call for a new heart.

Santa did bring couple nifty pull overs and my iconic plaid shirts.  And new ear pads for my headphones...they're like new now.

And I got to see lots of smiles on Tammy's face.  And on my son as well.  And that was awesome.  My mom even moved out of the stone age and got a decent flat screen TV.

So it was a good day.  No heart...but still a good day.

And I'm definitely ok with that.  Just as I was when Thanksgiving 2014 came and went a month or so ago. Same with my birthday 2014.

I've done a pretty good job I think of just taking one day at a time, and trying very, very hard not to count the days.

There are other things to celebrate.

A friend of mine got her new heart first part of December, and got out on Christmas day.  That is awesome for her.

Another friend got an LVAD put in a few days before Christmas, she's still in the hospital,   Plus she got placed on this list just a couple weeks ago.  But her LVAD operation went well.

Found out my nephew's father-in-law is waiting on this list too.

I root for each of them, and all the others, who are waiting, like me.  And doubly so for the handful I know personally that have gotten their new heart.  Seeing how great they feel now does a lot to keep me going.

I know it's just a matter of time...

As I have gotten to know others stories I know for some, the wait has been quite long.  800 and some days for one lady,  500 for another guy.  Some more...some less.  It is what it is.

So I think I at 120 days or there bouts.  I'm just getting warmed up.   Heck pregnancy is 9 months long...

Just happy my heart, body, and mind are still strong enough to keep me here at home, and not in the hospital as I wait.

I wouldn't mind getting a New Year's Day heart though...

Have a great day everyone!

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